Women’s Ministry

Our women’s ministry is focused on fellowship, service, and learning. Each event tries to focus on one of those larger goals.

Upcoming Event:
January 18th from 9-11am: Fellowship time
February 8th from 9-11am: Doll making for Operation Christmas Child
March 1st from 11am-1pm: Lunch and Learn (Adorned part 1)
April 4th and 5th: Women’s Conference
May 3rd from 9-11am: Doll making for Operation Christmas Child
June 14th from 11am-1pm: Picnic and Games
July 12th from 11am-1pm: Lunch and Learn (Adorned part 2)
August 2nd from 9-11am: Service Project
September 6th from 9-11am: “Speed” icebreakers & snacks
October 4th from 11am-1pm: Soup cookoff and learn (Adorned part 3)
November 1st from 9-11am: Operation Christmas Child Pack Party
December 20th from 3-5pm: Cookies, Carols and Community