Visiting a church in person for the first time can be more than a little intimidating. We understand because we’ve all been there and we realize that you probably have some questions about what to expect when you show up at Brick Church. Here are some of the questions we have had when visiting other churches and the answers to them:
What kind of church is Brick Church?
We are a Bible-based, non-denominational, multi-generational gathering of people who come from a variety of backgrounds. We use the English Standard Version of the Bible, a contemporary, easy to understand translation, in our sermons and we have Bibles available for you to use as you wish.
What time is the service?
Our Sunday morning worship service begins at 10:15am and we provide an infant and toddler nursery for parents who choose to use it.
What should I wear?
We are a “come as you are” church and we don’t have a dress code. We have folks show up in everything from coats and ties to jeans and shorts so dress however you feel comfortable and you will fit right in.
What should I expect when I arrive?
While you are free to park wherever you please, we have reserved parking out front for our guests near the main entrance on the front of the building. As you enter you will find our Coffee and Conversation cart staffed by a friendly volunteer who can answer any questions you might have and direct you to where you want to go. We also have signs outside that point to the elevator entrance to the north of the main entrance.
What is this Connection Card that I found in my bulletin all about?
It is merely a way to get to know you better. We ask that you share your name with us and then only as much information as you are comfortable with. We are happy you chose to worship with us and we would like a record of your visit and we promise not to share your information with anyone. After you have filled out the card you can simply drop it in one of the baskets near the entrances or place it in one of the offering boxes.
Speaking of offering, am I expected to give you money?
No, you are our guest. We do not pass an offering plate as a regular part of our worship services. Instead, we have boxes mounted by the entrances where our church family places their tithes and offerings thereby giving back to God a portion of what he has first given to us.
What does a typical service consist of?
Our Sunday morning services typically last about an hour. Our service begins with a time of congregational singing led by our talented Worship Team and we use a blend of contemporary worship music and traditional hymns. We project the words on a large screen up front and we invite you to lift your voice with us as we praise God. We will have a brief welcome and announcement time and a Scripture reading followed by the sermon. Each week we have a note sheet on the back page of the bulletin should you want to take notes. We also post the sermons online in both audio and textual formats; you can find past sermons here.
What about the kids?
We offer a variety of options for your children during the Sunday morning worship service:
Of course you can keep them in service with you. We welcome all ages.
If they are age 4 and under, they are welcome in our nursery, and so are you!
If your children are 5 and older, we encourage them to stay in service with you. We provide a children’s bulletin in the front lobby for them to have an activity for during service.
Our typical service structure is to have the children of all ages present with the adults as the service begins and to dismiss the littles before the sermon.
We also offer Sunday school classes for a variety of ages at 9am.